How to Fix Ban Issues on WhatsApp Mods: Top Tips & Tricks to Stay Safe

The internet’s potential has expanded far beyond the original intentions of its creators, offering us endless capabilities. As technology evolves, tasks are being completed faster and with more ease. However, using modified applications (mods) can lead to issues, especially if service providers detect their usage.

While mods can bring both benefits and drawbacks, companies are vigilant about how users interact with their apps. As a result, WhatsApp has taken action against accounts found using WhatsApp Mods.

In this guide, we will explore methods to how to fix ban issues related to WhatsApp Mods and ways to enable anti-ban features for a amazing experience.

Why does WhatsApp ban your account?

WhatsApp operates under its own set of terms and conditions, which are periodically revised as the platform identifies new online threats. These T&Cs are not fixed and are updated regularly to address potential security issues.

A few months ago, WhatsApp made changes to its terms, specifically targeting users of modified versions of the app, commonly referred to as WhatsApp Mods.

WhatsApp Ban your Account

These mods often focus on raising privacy, security, and customization, but WhatsApp views them as potential risks.
WhatsApp has expressed concerns that these third-party apps may compromise the security of your messages and media files, leading to temporary bans on accounts that use them. However, we guarantee that all our WhatsApp Mods are completely safe and never access or misuse any user data.

Understanding Anti-Ban Scripts in WhatsApp Mods

Updated versions of WhatsApp Mod, including GB WhatsApp, come with pre-installed anti-ban scripts. These scripts help the mod apps resemble the official WhatsApp during server checks, making it difficult for authorities to detect them. The scripts essentially “disguise” the mod, ensuring it behaves like the official app while still providing enhanced features.

Although anti-ban scripts provide some protection, engaging in high-risk activities could still result in a ban. To stay protected, it’s important to avoid risky features.

How to Fix Temporary Bans Without Losing Chats?

If your account is temporarily banned due to using WhatsApp Mod, there’s a simple way to regain access without losing your chat history.

Fix Temporary Ban

Though it’s advised to wait until the ban is lifted, following these steps can prevent future issues:

  • Once the temporary ban is lifted, open your current WhatsApp Mod.
  • Navigate to Settings > Chats > Chat Backup and make a backup.
  • Uninstall the current version of the WhatsApp Mod from your device.
  • Download the old version of WhatsApp Mod, complete with anti-ban scripts.
  • Install the new version and restore your chats from the backup.

By following this procedure, you can less the chance of being banned again. If the issue persists, you may need to switch back to the official WhatsApp after the ban period ends.

How to Avoid WhatsApp Bans?

To save your account from temporary or permanent bans, it’s easier to use WhatsApp Mod responsibly. Here are some main tips to keep in mind:

  • Limit status modifications such as extending the status length beyond 30 seconds or using unofficial backgrounds.
  • Always ask for consent before adding individuals to groups to avoid complaints.
  • Refrain from sharing any content that violates WhatsApp’s policies.
  • Avoid risky features like mass messaging or the WhatsApp Bomber that could get your account flagged.
  • Don’t use automated messaging or scheduling features, as these may trigger bans.
  • Stay updated with the latest mod versions to keep in line with WhatsApp’s security updates.


WhatsApp may impose bans on accounts for a variety of reasons, including content violations or the use of third-party modifications (mods). Though this mod can provide extra features, they also come with certain risks. Following the best practices outlined above and using mods carefully can help minimize the chances of facing temporary or permanent bans.

It’s crucial to understand that using mod on your primary WhatsApp account is not recommended, as a temporary ban could turn into a permanent one. Stay updated with the latest versions of mods that include anti-ban protection to ensure a more secure experience while using WhatsApp Mods.